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  • NatroVital Everyday Woman

    • 100% Alcohol Free - All Natural Herbal Supplement
    • Herbs Working Synergistically to Enhance Healthy Ageing
    • Harnessing Nature's Power, Free from Synthetic Multivitamins

    NatroVital Everyday Woman Tonic 200ml

    • NatroVital Everyday Woman taps into the potent healing forces of nature to elevate women's health and vitality. Our exclusive fusion of botanicals, sourced directly from the embrace of Mother Nature, abounds with vital nutrients—vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and phytonutrients. These botanical wonders deliver essential sustenance, fortifying cells, amplifying energy levels, and nurturing holistic wellness.

      At NatroVital, we adopt a holistic approach to health and well-being with Everyday Woman. Each herb is carefully selected for its unique attributes that strengthen various aspects of health—ranging from invigorating the immune and hormonal systems to optimising the functions of the liver, brain, kidneys, and nervous system. Everyday Woman embodies a comprehensive approach that enhances the core functions of the body.

      NatroVital Everyday Woman goes beyond the limitations of synthetic multivitamins that only offer isolated nutrients. Our emphasis shifts towards herbs collaborating to rejuvenate the entire body. Understanding that optimal health extends beyond individual vitamins or minerals, our harmonious herb blend nurtures the body's natural balance, enhancing overall vitality.

    • Optimise Your Health: Discover the Benefits of NatroVital Everyday Woman

      The herbs found in NatroVital Everyday Woman carry with them a rich history of traditional uses across diverse cultures that span centuries. These ancient botanicals have long been revered for their remarkable ability to support overall wellness and invigorate vitality within the body. Rooted in tradition and embraced by generations, these herbs are a testament to the enduring power of nature in promoting holistic well-being.

      • Adrenal Health: When it comes to managing stress effectively, maintaining balanced adrenal gland function is crucial. Astragalus, Shatavari and Ashwagandha are herbs that can provide comprehensive support in this area. Astragalus helps the body adapt to stress by promoting resilience and supporting the well-being of the adrenal glands. It plays a role in maintaining healthy cortisol levels, which are important for the body's stress response. Shatavari is esteemed for its adaptogenic qualities that aid in stress reduction. Acting as a natural balancer, it helps regulate stress-related hormones such as cortisol, promoting a more harmonious stress response. Shatavari's ability to restore energy and enhance resilience against stress-related fatigue further supports its role in stress reduction. Ashwagandha also contribute to adrenal health by helping the body respond to stress more effectively and balancing cortisol levels. Together, these herbs work in harmony to support healthy adrenal gland function, ensuring that the body can handle stress more efficiently.
      • Bone Health: Turmeric plays a significant role in maintaining strong and healthy bones by exhibiting inhibitory effects on osteoclasts, cells responsible for bone breakdown. This inhibition helps to preserve bone density and integrity, reducing the risk of bone-related issues.
      • Brain Health: Turmeric and Ashwagandha are two powerful herbs that offer remarkable benefits for brain health and cognitive function. Turmeric, with its active compound curcumin, has the ability to cross the blood-brain barrier and exert neuroprotective effects. It reduces inflammation in the brain, thus promoting optimal brain function and enhancing cognitive abilities such as memory, focus, and attention span. Ashwagandha, known for its adaptogenic properties, supports brain health by reducing oxidative stress, a common contributor to neurodegenerative diseases and cognitive decline. Additionally, both herbs have shown the potential to promote the production of Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF), a protein crucial for neuronal growth and survival and essential for learning and memory.
      • Cardiovascular Health: Turmeric and Astragalus offer significant benefits for cardiovascular health. Astragalus has traditionally been used for its potential benefits on heart health and may help improve blood flow and support blood vessel health, potentially promoting overall cardiovascular function. Turmeric, on the other hand, supports cardiovascular health through its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It reduces inflammation in the blood vessels, promoting their flexibility and healthy function. Turmeric's antioxidant effects also help protect against oxidative damage, reducing the risk of cardiovascular conditions. Dong Quai is often used in traditional Chinese medicine to tonify and invigorate blood. While it doesn't have a direct cardiovascular impact, its traditional use in tonifying blood could indirectly contribute to overall circulatory well-being.
      • Digestive Health: Turmeric offers support for digestive health by providing anti-inflammatory properties that can alleviate inflammation in the digestive tract and promotes the secretion of bile.
      • Energy Levels: Turmeric supports healthy energy levels and enhance vitality through its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that can combat fatigue and support energy levels. By reducing inflammation and protecting against oxidative stress, Turmeric helps optimise cellular function and energy metabolism. These combined effects contribute to improved physical and mental energy, promoting a sense of vitality and well-being.
      • Good Night's Sleep: Ashwagandha offers notable benefits for promoting a restful and rejuvenating sleep. Ashwagandha supports a calm and relaxed state, helping to reduce stress and anxiety, which are common factors that can interfere with a good night's sleep. By alleviating stress and anxiety, Ashwagandha creates an optimal environment for falling asleep and staying asleep throughout the night. Additionally, Ashwagandha supports the body's natural sleep-wake cycle, also known as the circadian rhythm, which plays a vital role in regulating sleep patterns. By promoting a healthy sleep-wake cycle, Ashwagandha helps regulate sleep patterns and enhances the quality of sleep, allowing individuals to wake up feeling refreshed and revitalised.
      • Immune Health: Astragalus, Turmeric and Ashwagandha are potent herbs that provide comprehensive support for immune health. These herbs work together to enhance immune function and promote overall immune system vitality. Astragalus, known for its immune-modulating properties, helps stimulate and strengthen the immune system's response to pathogens. Turmeric, with its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, helps combat inflammation and oxidative stress that can weaken the immune system. Ashwagandha, another adaptogen, supports immune function by reducing stress and promoting overall immune system balance.
      • Inflammation: Turmeric is a powerful herb that offer significant benefits in reducing inflammation and promoting overall well-being. It is well-known for its potent anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce inflammation by inhibiting inflammatory pathways in the body. Its active compound, curcumin, targets key molecules involved in the inflammatory process, effectively reducing inflammation and its associated symptoms.
      • Joint Health: Turmeric offer valuable support for joint health through curcumin, a powerful compound with potent anti-inflammatory properties. Curcumin targets key molecules involved in the inflammatory process, helping to reduce inflammation specifically in the joints. By reducing inflammation, Turmeric supports joint comfort and mobility.
      • Kidney Health: Astragalus and Dong Quai help to promoting kidney health. Astragalus, with its diuretic properties, supports the kidneys by promoting healthy kidney function and assisting in the detoxification process. It aids in enhancing the filtration process within the kidneys, facilitating the efficient elimination of waste and toxins from the body. By supporting optimal kidney function, Astragalus contributes to maintaining overall kidney health and promoting the effective removal of waste products. Dong Quai has been traditionally used to support kidney function and by improving blood flow to the kidneys thus helping their ability to function properly.
      • Liver Health: Turmeric exhibits hepatoprotective properties, protecting the liver from oxidative stress and inflammation. It supports the liver's natural detoxification pathways and helps maintain its optimal function. The anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties of Turmeric further contribute to liver health by reducing inflammation and protecting liver cells from damage.
      • Nervous System Health: Ashwagandha contributes to nervous system health by reducing stress and promoting overall well-being. It helps balance cortisol levels, the hormone involved in the body's stress response and supports a healthy stress response.
      • Respiratory Health: Astragalus and Turmeric are two herbs that play a significant role in supporting respiratory health. Astragalus aids in respiratory health by reducing inflammation in the respiratory system and enhancing lung function. Its anti-inflammatory properties help maintain clear airways and promote optimal respiratory function. Astragalus also supports the immune system, providing valuable defence against respiratory pathogens. Turmeric, on the other hand, offers anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that contribute to respiratory well-being. By reducing inflammation in the respiratory system, Turmeric alleviates respiratory discomfort and supports overall respiratory health.
      • Rich In Antioxidants: The combination of Astragalus, Dong Quai, Shatavari, Turmeric, and Ashwagandha provide a powerful blend of antioxidants that offer extensive benefits. These herbs are rich in potent antioxidants, which play a crucial role in neutralising harmful free radicals that can cause oxidative stress and damage to cells. By neutralising these free radicals, the antioxidants in these herbs help protect cells from oxidative damage, promote detoxification and support overall cellular health. Additionally, the presence of antioxidants promotes the body's defence against oxidative stress and age-related degeneration, contributing to improved overall well-being.
      • Sexual Health: Dong Quai, Shatavari and Ashwagandha, have both been traditionally used to support female sexual and hormonal health. Shatavari has a long history of use in traditional Ayurvedic medicine it is often used to support menstrual health by promoting regularity and easing discomfort. It has a have moisturising and lubricating effects on mucous membranes including the vagina. Some traditional uses of Shatavari suggest that it may help enhance libido and sexual desire in women. Dong Quai is an herb deeply rooted in traditional Chinese medicine, often regarded as a supportive remedy for female sexual health. it is associated with promoting healthy blood circulation to the pelvic organs, including the reproductive system. Dong Quai is thought to contain compounds that might help support hormonal balance in women. Hormones play a crucial role in sexual desire and response, so maintaining balance could have positive implications for sexual health. It has been traditionally used to support uterine health and regulate menstrual cycles. A healthy uterus can contribute to overall reproductive well-being, potentially affecting sexual health positively. Ashwagandha's adaptogenic properties are believed to help regulate hormones, potentially benefiting female hormonal balance. Balanced hormones are essential for optimal sexual function, including desire and response.
      • Skin Health: Turmeric offers anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that contribute to skin well-being. It helps reduce inflammation and soothe skin irritations, promoting a healthy complexion. The antioxidants in Turmeric also shield the skin from environmental stressors, helping to prevent premature ageing and supporting the skin's natural healing processes.
      • Stress Response: Astragalus, Shatavari and Ashwagandha play a significant role in supporting a healthy stress response. Astragalus contains adaptogenic properties that help the body adapt to stress and promote resilience. It supports the adrenal glands, which are responsible for producing stress hormones, and helps maintain healthy cortisol levels, which are vital for managing stress. Shatavari aids in stress reduction by helping to regulate stress-related hormones such as cortisol, promoting a more harmonious stress response. By influencing neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine, it contributes to emotional stability and mood regulation. Ashwagandha is particularly effective in reducing stress-related symptoms. It helps regulate the body's stress response system, supporting balanced cortisol levels and alleviating symptoms associated with chronic stress. Ashwagandha promotes a sense of calm and relaxation, reducing anxiety and improving overall emotional well-being. By working synergistically, Astragalus, Siberian Ginseng, and Withania contribute to supporting a healthy stress response, reducing stress-related symptoms, and promoting overall well-being.
      • Thyroid Health: Astragalus and Ashwagandha are two herbs that offer valuable support for thyroid health. Astragalus promotes hormonal balance and overall well-being of the thyroid gland, assisting in maintaining healthy thyroid function and optimal production of thyroid hormones. These hormones are essential for regulating metabolism and energy levels. By supporting the thyroid gland's function, Astragalus contributes to overall thyroid health and ensures its proper performance. Ashwagandha, on the other hand, helps increase or balance thyroid hormone levels and supports the body's ability to adapt to stress while maintaining balance in various systems, including the thyroid. By promoting hormonal balance and overall well-being, Ashwagandha aids in regulating thyroid function and supporting the body's natural balance of thyroid hormones.  
      • Toxin Removal: Turmeric exhibits hepatoprotective properties, protecting the liver from oxidative stress and inflammation, thus ensuring optimal liver function for effective toxin elimination.

      NatroVital Everyday Woman is not intended to replace a well-balanced diet, but rather to complement and enhance overall health. It is designed to provide additional support through a synergistic blend of herbs that promote vitality and well-being. If you have specific health concerns or are suffering from a particular complaint, we highly recommend consulting your healthcare professional for personalised guidance and support tailored to your individual needs. NatroVital Everyday Woman is a valuable addition to a healthy lifestyle, supporting your journey to better health with the power of nature's healing properties.

    • Empowering Female Health: The Potent Ingredients in NatroVital Everyday Woman

      Discover the time-honoured wisdom of traditional herbal medicine with NatroVital EverydayWoman. Our unique formulation draws upon the healing power of herbs that have been cherished by diverse cultures for centuries. These herbs have been trusted for their ability to promote health and balance within the body. With a rich history of use spanning hundreds of years, each herb in NatroVital Everyday Woman brings a wealth of benefits to support your overall well-being.

      • Organic Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera): Is a revered herb in Ayurvedic medicine. It is considered an adaptogen, helping the body cope with stress and promoting overall well-being. Withania has traditionally been used to support the nervous system, enhance cognitive function, and promote vitality. It is also believed to have immune-boosting properties and supports thyroid health.
      • Organic Astragalus (Astragalus membranaceus): With a history deeply rooted in traditional Chinese medicine, Astragalus is celebrated for its immune-boosting properties, promoting overall vitality, and enhancing resilience to stressors. This herb is also known to support healthy heart and adrenal function and contributing to optimal energy levels.
      • Organic Dong Quai (Angelica sinensis): Holds a significant place in traditional herbal medicine, particularly in East Asian cultures. Known as the "female ginseng," it has been historically used for its benefits in women's health and overall well-being. Dong Quai's primary traditional uses include supporting menstrual health and regulating menstrual cycles. It's often employed to alleviate discomfort associated with menstrual irregularities due to its hormonal balancing properties. Moreover, Dong Quai's historical use extends to promoting uterine health and reproductive vitality, making it a valued herb for women's reproductive wellness.
      • Organic Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus) Is deeply rooted in traditional Ayurvedic medicine and has been revered for centuries for its diverse range of benefits. Known as the "Queen of Herbs," Shatavari's traditional uses span various aspects of women's health and overall wellness. Its primary role lies in supporting female reproductive health, including menstrual cycle regulation, addressing menstrual discomfort and promoting hormonal balance. Shatavari is often employed during pregnancy and postpartum to nourish and strengthen the female body. Beyond its contributions to women's well-being, Shatavari is recognised for its adaptogenic qualities that help the body adapt to stress and promote vitality. It's also used to enhance digestive health, support the respiratory system and maintain overall vitality.
      • Organic Turmeric (Curcuma longa): Turmeric has a long history of use in Ayurvedic and traditional Chinese medicine. It is renowned for its powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Turmeric is often used to support joint health, liver function, promote healthy digestion, and protect against oxidative stress. It contains an active compound called curcumin, which is responsible for many of its health benefits.

      Product Size: 200ml Liquid

      NatroVital Everyday Woman Excipients:

      • Vegetable Glycerine and Purified Grander Water: Vegetable glycerine serves as a natural sweetener and preservative, while the purified Grander water, free from chlorine and fluoride, ensures a clean and refreshing base for the herbal tonic. These carefully selected excipients contribute to the quality, purity, and overall effectiveness of NatroVital Everyday Woman.
      • 100% Alcohol-Free: Everyday Woman is crafted to be 100% alcohol-free, providing a gentle and non-irritating formula. This makes it suitable for individuals who prefer alcohol-free options or those who may be sensitive to alcohol-based products.
      • Suitable for Vegetarians and Vegans: NatroVital Everyday Woman is consciously designed to meet the needs of individuals following vegetarian and vegan lifestyles. It is free from any animal-derived ingredients, allowing individuals to incorporate it into their dietary preferences and ethical choices.
    • What dosage do I take of Everyday Woman?
      We recommend taking 7.5ml of NatroVital Everyday Woman once or twice a day
      What's The Best Way To Take Everyday Woman?
      We suggest adding the required dosage to a measuring cup, filling it with water or juice, and drinking it down. Don't forget to drink the residue left in the measuring cup.
      Does Everyday Woman contain preservatives or anything artificial?
      No, Natrovital Everyday Woman only contains Vegetable Glycerine and Purified Grander Water - Free from Chlorine and Fluoride. It has no added artificial flavours, colourings, sweetener or preservatives. Everyday Woman is free from animal products, dairy protein, lactose, eggs, gluten, wheat, nuts, yeast, corn or soy.
      Is Everyday Woman Suitable for Vegans and Vegetarians?
      Yes, NatroVital Everyday Woman is suitable for Vegetarians and Vegans as it contains no animal products.
      Are there contraindications for taking NatroVital Woman?
      Yes, do not use NatroVital Everyday Woman if known allergies to ingredients. Caution using NatroVital Everyday Woman with anti-diabetic medication as Ashwagandha also lowers blood glucose levels and the combination may cause lower than normal blood glucose levels. Caution using NatroVital Everyday Woman with Anticoagulant/platelet drugs as turmeric and dong quai have has blood thinning properties and the combination may increase the risk of bleeding. If taking thyroid medication use NatroVital Everyday female with caution as Ashwagandha may boosts thyroid hormone synthesis and secretion.

      The Food and Drug Administration has not evaluated these statements. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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