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  • NatroVital Digestive Support

    • 100% Alcohol Free - All Natural Herbal Supplement
    • Herbs Work Synergistically to Improve Digestion
    • Reduce Abdominal Bloating, Flatulence, Cramping and Nausea

    NatroVital Digestive Support Herbal Tonic

    • NatroVital Digestive Support Herbal Tonic, a specially formulated blend of alcohol-free herbs designed to enhance digestion and alleviate common digestive discomforts. This unique tonic aims to improve stomach and pancreatic enzyme secretions, facilitating the breakdown and absorption of food for optimal nutrient utilisation. By harnessing the power of nature, NatroVital Digestive Support works to reduce bloating, flatulence, and abdominal pain, promoting a healthier and more comfortable digestive system. With its pleasant taste and natural ingredients, this herbal tonic offers a potential solution for individuals seeking to support their digestion and overall well-being.

      Herbs have been used for thousands of years as a natural form of medicine to support health and well-being. Traditional herbal remedies have been passed down through generations and across cultures, harnessing the power of nature to promote overall wellness.

      Herbs contain various compounds and constituents that can have therapeutic properties. These natural compounds interact with our bodies in different ways, supporting bodily functions, addressing imbalances, and promoting health. Herbal remedies can be used to support various aspects of well-being, including physical, mental, and emotional health.

      Herbal medicine offers a holistic approach to health and well-being, working in synergy with the body's natural healing mechanisms to address underlying imbalances and promote overall wellness rather than targeting isolated symptoms. By harnessing the wisdom of nature, herbs provide a rich source of bioactive compounds that support various bodily functions, such as digestion, immune response, and cardiovascular health. Incorporating herbal remedies like NatroVital Digestive Support into a holistic approach to health can be a valuable addition to support healthy digestion, assimilation of food and contribute to a balanced and vibrant life.

    • Important Signs of Poor Digestive Health

      Recognising and addressing signs of poor digestion is crucial for maintaining overall health and well-being. Digestion is a fundamental process that enables our bodies to extract nutrients from the food we consume, providing the energy necessary for various bodily functions. When digestion falters, it can give rise to a spectrum of symptoms ranging from bloating and discomfort to more serious issues such as nutrient deficiencies and chronic gastrointestinal conditions. Ignoring these signs may lead to potential long-term effects, impacting not only digestive health but also other aspects of one's physical and mental well-being. Undetected and untreated digestive issues can contribute to a cascade of health problems, including malnutrition, immune system dysfunction, and an increased risk of developing more severe conditions. Thus, paying attention to the signals of poor digestion and taking proactive steps to address them is paramount for maintaining a healthy and resilient body.

      • Abdominal Discomfort or Pain: Persistent discomfort, pain, or cramping in the abdominal region may be a sign of various digestive issues, such as inflammation, dysbiosis, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), or other gastrointestinal disorders.
      • Bad Breath: Persistent bad breath, can be a sign of poor digestion. This generally occurs when there is low levels of stomach acid and the food ferments cans rancid gas to be smelt on the breath.
      • Bloating: People that feel bloated after meals can indicate that the body is having difficulty breaking down and digesting certain foods. This may be due to inadequate enzyme production or an imbalance in gut bacteria.
      • Constipation: Difficulty in passing stools or infrequent bowel movements can indicate poor digestion. It may result from a lack of fibre, dehydration, or a sluggish digestive system.
      • Diarrhoea: On the other hand, frequent loose or watery stools can also be a sign of poor digestion. It may be caused by food intolerances, infections, lack of good gut bacteria Irritable Bowel Syndrome or other digestive disorders.
      • Fatigue after Meals: If you feel unusually tired or sluggish after eating, it may suggest that your body is using a significant amount of energy to digest food, due excessive eating to inefficient digestive vitality.
      • Gas: Excessive gas, belching, or flatulence may be a sign of poor digestion i.e. lack of digestive enzymes or stomach acid. If digestion is weak undigested food ferments in the intestines or stomach, producing gas as a byproduct.
      • Heartburn or Acid Reflux: Poor digestion can lead to an accumulation of stomach acid, causing heartburn or acid reflux. This may be due to a weakened lower oesophageal sphincter or delayed gastric emptying.
      • Undigested Food in Stools: Seeing recognisable food particles in the stools can indicate that a person's digestive system is not breaking down the food and absorbing nutrients properly. This can be due to low levels of digestive enzymes, low stomach acid an overgrowth of harmful intestinal bacteria, lack of good gut bacteria and or intestinal infections.
      • Weight Changes: Difficulty in maintaining or gaining weight despite a sufficient calorie intake may indicate malabsorption or inefficient nutrient absorption in the digestive tract.
    • Herbs To Support Digestive Health

      Reinvigorate digestive well-being with NatroVital Digestive Support, a meticulously crafted herbal tonic. Harnessing the power of time-honoured herbs renowned for their extraordinary capacity to support and enhance digestive function, this tonic adds fire to the digestive tract, balances stomach acid and optimizing digestive enzyme levels.

      • Organic Aniseed (Pimpinella anisum): Celebrated for its distinct and refreshing flavour, Aniseed plays a pivotal role in traditional remedies aimed at enhancing digestive health. By stimulating the production of digestive enzymes, aniseed facilitates a smoother and more efficient breakdown of food, helping to optimise nutrient absorption and overall digestion. Its antispasmodic properties contribute to relaxing the digestive tract muscles, which can significantly alleviate symptoms of gas, bloating, and discomfort, thus promoting a sense of well-being after meals. Additionally, aniseed possesses mild antimicrobial effects that may support gut health by maintaining a balance of beneficial bacteria in the digestive system. This multifaceted herb not only aids in digestion but also offers a natural and soothing remedy for various digestive ailments, making it a cherished component of herbal medicine for promoting gastrointestinal health.
      • Organic Caraway Seeds (Carum carvi): Providea wealth of benefits to the digestive tract, not only soothing discomfort but actively promoting a healthier gut environment. Rich in essential oils and flavonoids, these aromatic seeds work wonders by relaxing the smooth muscles of the digestive tract, easing the often painful spasms that can accompany indigestion and abdominal pain. Beyond their muscle-relaxing capabilities, caraway seeds possess carminative properties, meaning they prevent the formation of gas in the gastrointestinal tract, offering relief from the bloating and pressure that can cause so much discomfort. By encouraging a smoother digestive process, caraway seeds help in more efficiently breaking down food, ensuring that digestion is not just a necessary function, but a more comfortable and effective one.
      • Organic Chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla): Chamomile stands out in herbal medicine for its tranquillising and soothing qualities. Beyond its calming prowess, chamomile exhibits remarkable efficacy in relaxing the muscles of the digestive tract, which plays a crucial role in mitigating cramps and soothing inflammation within the gastrointestinal system. This makes it an excellent choice for individuals experiencing digestive unease, including symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and other inflammatory conditions. Furthermore, chamomile's anti-inflammatory properties extend to offering relief from nausea and general digestive discomfort, making it a go-to solution for moments of upset stomach.
      • Organic Dandelion Root (Taraxacum officinale): Dandelion root is revered in herbal medicine as a robust aid for digestive health, with a long history of use for stimulating appetite and enhancing digestive efficiency. Its primary mechanism involves a significant increase in bile production and flow, a critical factor in the emulsification and breakdown of fats, which in turn facilitates a smoother digestion process. This not only aids in the absorption of nutrients but also helps prevent the discomfort associated with indigestion and fat accumulation. The diuretic properties of dandelion root further amplify its benefits, promoting the elimination of excess fluid and toxins from the body, thus supporting liver function and detoxification pathways. This comprehensive support to the liver, an organ central to digestive and detoxification processes, underscores the root’s vital role in maintaining digestive health and overall wellness.
      • Organic Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare): Fennel seeds, traditionally consumed before or after meals for their digestive benefits, act as a natural remedy to enhance digestion and alleviate discomforts like gas and bloating. They work by relaxing the muscles of the intestinal tract, thus facilitating the smooth transit of food and preventing the accumulation of gas. Additionally, fennel seeds mildly stimulate the secretion of digestive enzymes and possibly stomach acid, aiding in the efficient breakdown and absorption of nutrients. This dual action of muscle relaxation combined with a potential increase in digestive secretion makes fennel seeds an effective, natural way to support digestive health, ease post-meal discomfort and freshen breath, all contributing to a more comfortable and efficient digestive process.
      • Gentian (Gentiana lutea): Gentian, a revered herb in herbal medicine, is distinguished by its potent bitter properties, instrumental in enhancing digestive health. The bitterness of gentian plays a crucial role in initiating a series of digestive reactions, starting with stimulating saliva production, a critical first step in digestion that signals the stomach to gear up for food processing. It significantly increases the secretion of gastric juices, including stomach acid and digestive enzymes, which are vital for the effective breakdown and absorption of food, particularly proteins and fats. Beyond merely stimulating digestion, gentian addresses common digestive issues like indigestion, flatulence and feelings of fullness, thereby promoting a smoother digestive process and preventing discomfort. By facilitating a more efficient digestion and nutrient absorption, gentian not only aids in relieving digestive distress but also supports overall gut health, highlighting the significant role of bitter herbs in digestive wellness.
      • Organic Ginger (Zingiber officinale): Ginger's efficacy in the digestive system extends to its remarkable ability to enhance gastric motility and potentially increase the secretion of both stomach acid and digestive enzymes, making it an integral component for optimising digestive health. This increase in digestive fluids and enzymes is crucial for the breakdown of complex food molecules, aiding in the absorption of nutrients and reducing the likelihood of indigestion and discomfort. Moreover, ginger's anti-inflammatory properties help soothe the gastrointestinal lining, further contributing to its capacity to alleviate symptoms such as nausea and bloating. Its warming effect not only promotes comfort but also stimulates the digestive system, ensuring a more efficient processing of foods. Through these multifaceted actions, ginger supports a healthy digestive process, offering relief from various digestive ailments and enhancing overall digestive function.
      • Organic Meadowsweet (Filipendula ulmaria): Meadowsweet uniquely offers a holistic approach to digestive health by not only normalising stomach acid levels, whether by reducing excess acidity or by boosting insufficient acid production, but also by protecting and healing the digestive tract's mucosal lining. Its anti-inflammatory properties safeguard the lining from irritation and damage, thus preventing conditions like ulcers and easing inflammation-related discomforts such as those found in gastritis or IBS. Moreover, meadowsweet's ability to promote the healing of the digestive tract ensures the smooth progression of the digestive process, maintaining the integrity and optimal functioning of the entire system. This combination of balancing stomach acidity, protecting the gut lining, and promoting tissue repair makes meadowsweet an invaluable herb for supporting comprehensive digestive health and comfort.
      • Organic Turmeric (Curcuma longa): Turmeric's benefits for the digestive system are multifaceted, significantly extending beyond its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant capabilities. Its role in stimulating bile production is crucial for the digestion process, particularly in the emulsification and digestion of fats. This stimulation of bile not only aids in fat digestion but can also indirectly support the overall digestive process by ensuring that the digestive enzymes have optimal conditions for breaking down food. Furthermore, the curcumin in turmeric, responsible for its bright yellow colour, has been shown to enhance the gut's barrier function and modulate the gut microbiome, leading to improved gut health and potentially reducing symptoms of digestive discomfort. By supporting bile production and improving gut health, turmeric plays a vital role in maintaining a healthy digestive system, offering relief from various digestive issues and promoting efficient nutrient absorption.

      NatroVital Digestive Support Excipients:

      • Vegetable Glycerine and Purified Grander Water: Vegetable glycerine serves as a natural sweetener and preservative, while the purified Grander water, free from chlorine and fluoride, ensures a clean and refreshing base for the herbal tonic. These carefully selected excipients contribute to the quality, purity, and overall effectiveness of NatroVital Digestive Support.
      • 100% Alcohol-Free: Digestive Support is crafted to be 100% alcohol-free, providing a gentle and non-irritating formula. This makes it suitable for individuals who prefer alcohol-free options or those who may be sensitive to alcohol-based products.
      • Suitable for Vegetarians and Vegans: NatroVital Digestive Support is consciously designed to meet the needs of individuals following vegetarian and vegan lifestyles. It is free from any animal-derived ingredients, allowing individuals to incorporate it into their dietary preferences and ethical choices.
    • What is the recommended dosage for Digestive Support?
      The suggested dosage for NatroVital Digestive Support is 7.5ml, taken twice a day before meals. For individuals experiencing severe digestive issues, the recommended dosage is 10ml, taken twice a day before meals.
      Are there any supplementary nutrients that can assist in enhancing digestion?
      To improve digestive function, we suggest considering the following additional supplements. Intestinal Repair aids in reducing intestinal inflammation and promoting the healing of intestinal damage. Multibac 10 is a multi-strain probiotic that helps improve levels of beneficial gut bacteria while reducing intestinal inflammation. . Revitalise is a blend of prebiotic fibers that provide nourishment for the beneficial gut bacteria and intestinal cells. These supplements can contribute to enhancing digestion and overall gut health.
      What is the optimal method of consuming Digestive Support for maximum effectiveness?
      To ensure optimal intake of Digestive Support, we recommend measuring the required dosage using a measuring cup and then adding it to either water or juice. It is important to consume the entire mixture, including any residue left in the measuring cup.
      Is Digestive Support free from preservatives or any artificial additives?
      Natrovital Digestive Support is composed solely of Vegetable Glycerine and Purified Water, without the presence of chlorine or fluoride. It does not include any artificial flavours, colourings, sweeteners, or preservatives. Additionally, Digestive Support is free from animal products, dairy protein, lactose, eggs, gluten, wheat, nuts, yeast, corn, or soy.
      Is Digestive Support appropriate for individuals following a vegan or vegetarian lifestyle?
      Yes, NatroVital Digestive Support is suitable for both vegetarians and vegans since it does not contain any animal-derived ingredients.
      Are there any specific situations or conditions in which the use of NatroVital Digestive Support is not recommended or contraindicated?
      Please avoid using NatroVital Digestive Support if you have known allergies to its ingredients. It contains Meadowsweet, which is high in salicylates and should be avoided by individuals with known salicylate sensitivity. Exercise caution when using NatroVital Digestive Support if you have peptic ulcers, reflux, or gallstones. Anti-Diabetic Medication: caution as Turmeric and Caraway Seeds may lower blood sugar levels. Sulfasalazine: be aware that turmeric may enhance both the effects and adverse effects of sulfasalazine. Talinolol: Clinical research suggests that taking curcumin for six days decreases the bioavailability of talinolol when taken together on the seventh day, though the clinical significance of this effect is unclear. Anticoagulant/Anti-platelet Medication: be cautious as ginger and turmeric can thin the blood and may have anti-platelet effects.

      These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

    Customer Reviews

    Based on 1 review
    Ann Thompson
    Great tonic

    Really helped to reduce bloating thanks